
ACM has named Ed Catmull, computer scientist and former president of Pixar and Disney Animation Studios, and Pat Hanrahan, a founding employee at Pixar and Stanford University professor, recipients of the 2023 ACM A.M. Turing Award for fundamental contributions to 3-D computer graphics, and the revolutionary impact of these techniques on computer-generated imagery (CGI) in filmmaking and other applications. Their work has fundamentally influenced the field of computer graphics through conceptual innovation and contributions to both software and hardware.



ACM has named David Silver of University College London and Google's DeepMind the recipient of the 2023 ACM Prize in Computing for breakthrough advances in computer game-playing. Recognized as a central figure in the growing and impactful area of deep reinforcement learning, Silver’s most well-known achievement was leading the team that developed AlphaGo, a computer program that defeated the world champion of the game Go. AlphaGo is recognized as a milestone in artificial intelligence research.

2023 ACM Prize recipient David Silver


ACM recognizes technical and professional achievements within the computing and information technology community through its celebrated Awards Program. ACM welcomes nominations for candidates whose work exemplifies the best and most influential contributions to our community, and society at large. ACM's award committees evaluate the contributions of candidates for various awards that span a spectrum of professional and technological accomplishments. The nominations deadline for general ACM awards has passed. The remaining award nominations deadlines are: ACM Gordon Bell Special Prize for HPC-Based COVID-19 Research (October 8) and Doctoral Dissertation Award (October 31).





ACM A.M. Turing Award
ACM Distinguished Service Award
ACM Fellows

Early-to-Mid-Career Contributions

ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award
ACM Prize in Computing
ACM Distinguished Member

Specific Types of Contributions

ACM Charles P. "Chuck" Thacker Breakthrough in Computing Award
ACM Eugene L. Lawler Award for Humanitarian Contributions within Computer Science and Informatics
ACM Gordon Bell Prize
ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award
ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award
ACM Policy Award
ACM Software System Award
ACM Athena Lecturer Award
ACM AAAI Allen Newell Award
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ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award
Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award
SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engineering
ACM Programming Systems and Languages Paper Award

Student Contributions

ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award
ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowships
ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award
ACM/CSTA Cutler-Bell Prize in High School Computing
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SIG Awards


Establishing an ACM Award
Establishing a Best Paper Award for ACM Periodicals



View our photo album of the banquet


ACM Gordon Bell Special Prize for HPC-Based COVID-19 Research Call for Nominations

ACM has established a special category of the ACM Gordon Bell Prize that will recognize outstanding research achievements that use high performance computing applications to understand the COVID-19 pandemic, including the understanding of its spread. Financial support of the $10,000 cash prize that accompanies the award is provided by Gordon Bell, a pioneer in high performance computing. Nominations for this inaugural award are due October 8, 2023.


Dor Minzer of Tel Aviv University has received ACM's 2023 Doctoral Dissertation Award for contributions to testing monotonicity of Boolean functions and resolving the Unique Games Conjecture, one of the most central problems in approximation algorithms and complexity theory. Honorable Mentions went to Jakub Tarnawski of École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne and JiaJun Wu of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


ACM Honors Barbara Simons with Policy Award

Barbara Simons receives the 2023 ACM Policy Award for long-standing, high-impact leadership as ACM President and founding Chair of ACM's US Public Policy Committee (USACM, now USTPC), while making influential contributions to improve the reliability of and public confidence in election technology. Over several decades, Simons has advanced technology policy by founding and leading organizations, authoring influential publications, and effecting change through lobbying and public education.

Photo of ACM Policy Award recipient Barbara Simons

Luiz André Barroso Receives 2023 Eckert-Mauchly Award

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2023 Eckert-Mauchly Award recipient Luiz André Barroso

Mockapetris Honored for Developing Domain Name System

ACM named Paul Mockapetris recipient of the 2023 ACM Software System Award for developing the Domain Name System (DNS), which provides the worldwide distributed directory service that is an essential component of the functionality of the global internet. In 1983, Mockapetris designed and built the DNS, creating the associated query protocol, a server implementation, and initial root servers. Taken together, these components provided the first stable operational DNS system.

2023 ACM Software System Award recipient Paul Mockapetris

Architects of Big Data Streaming Algorithms Receive Kanellakis Award

Noga Alon, 能看YouTube浏览器, Yossi Matias, and Mario Szegedy have been named 2023 ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award recipients for seminal work on the foundations of streaming algorithms and their application to large-scale data analytics. They pioneered a framework for algorithmic treatment of streaming massive datasets, and today their sketching and streaming algorithms remain the core approach for streaming big data and constitute an entire subarea of the field of algorithms.


ACM, AAAI Recognize Kavraki for Robotics, Koller for Machine Learning

The 2023 ACM – AAAI Allen Newell Award honors Lydia E. Kavraki and 能访问youtube的浏览器. Kavraki is recognized for pioneering contributions to robotic motion planning, including randomized motion planning algorithms and probabilistic roadmaps, with applications to bioinformatics and biomedicine. Koller is recognized for seminal contributions to machine learning and probabilistic models, the application of these techniques to biology and human health, and for contributions to democratizing education.

2023 ACM-AAAI Allen Newell Award recipients Lydia E. Kavraki and Daphne Koller


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Photo of ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award recipient Mordechai Ben-Ari


Michael Ley was named recipient of the ACM Distinguished Service Award for creating, developing, and curating DBLP, an extraordinarily useful and influential online bibliographic resource that has changed the way computer scientists work. Ley created DBLP in 1993 to cover proceedings and journals from the fields of database systems and logic programming (from which the acronym “DBLP” arose). DBLP has changed the way computer scientists use bibliographic data and has become an invaluable asset for virtually every researcher in the field.


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Arati Dixit was named recipient of the Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award for contributing to the growth and diversity of ACM programs in India, especially ACM-W India. Dixit helped launch the first ACM-W Celebration of Women in Computing event in Pune, and served as Chair of ACM-W India. She also organized women-only summer schools as part of a nationwide initiative to encourage undergraduate students to take up graduate studies. Dixit is the founding Vice Chair of ACM India's Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education.

Photo of Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award recipient Arati Dixit

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ACM has named Sarit Kraus of Bar-Ilan University the 2023-2021 Athena Lecturer. Kraus made foundational contributions to artificial intelligence, notably to multi-agent systems, human-agent interaction, autonomous agents and nonmonotonic reasoning, and exemplary service and leadership in these fields. Her contributions span theoretical foundations, experimental evaluation, and practical applications.


Maria Balcan Receives ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award

ACM has named Maria Balcan of Carnegie Mellon University the recipient of the 2023 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award for foundational and breakthrough contributions to minimally-supervised learning. Her influential and pioneering work in machine learning has solved longstanding open problems, enabled entire lines of research crucial for modern AI systems, and has set the agenda for the field for years to come.

2023 Grace Murray Hopper Award recipient Maria Balcan

Vivienne Sze Inaugural Recipient of ACM-W Rising Star Award

ACM-W has announced Vivienne Sze as the winner of the inaugural ACM-W Rising Star Award. The award recognizes a woman whose early-career research has had a significant impact on the computing discipline. Sze is an Associate Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department. ACM-W President Jodi Tims will present the award to Sze at the International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2023).

ACM-W Rising Star Award recipient Vivienne Sze

ACM, CSTA Announce Cutler-Bell Prize Student Winners

ACM and the Computer Science Teachers Association have announced the 2023-2023 winners of the ACM/CSTA Cutler-Bell Prize in High School Computing. The award recognizes computer science talent in high school students and comes with a $10,000 prize, which they will receive at CSTA's annual conference in July. The 2023-2023 winners are Kevin Meng, Plano West Senior High School, Plano, Texas; Lillian Kay Petersen, Los Alamos High School, Los Alamos, New Mexico; Axel S. Toro Vega, Dr. Carlos González High School, Aguada, Puerto Rico; and Zeyu Zhao, Montgomery Blair High School, Silver Spring, Maryland.


ACM Names 2023 Fellows

ACM has named 58 members 2023 ACM Fellows for significant contributions in areas including artificial intelligence, cloud computing, combating cybercrime, quantum computing and wireless networking. ACM Fellows comprise an elite group that represents less than 1% of the Association’s global membership. "In highlighting the accomplishments of the ACM Fellows, we hope to give credit where it is due, while also educating the public about the extraordinary array of areas in which computing professionals work," said ACM President Cherri M. Pancake.

ACM Names 2023 Distinguished Members

ACM has named 62 Distinguished Members for outstanding contributions to the field. All 2023 inductees are longstanding ACM members and were selected by their peers for a range of accomplishments that have contributed to technologies that underpin how we live, work and play. The ACM Distinguished Member program recognizes up to 10 percent of ACM worldwide membership based on professional experience and significant achievements in computing.



Geoffrey C. Fox of Indiana University Bloomington has been named the recipient of the 2023 ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award. Fox is recognized for foundational contributions to parallel computing methodology, algorithms and software, and data analysis, and their interfaces with broad classes of applications. The award will be presented at 近期能上Google却不能看Youtube的方法 - 下一个手游网:2021-6-17 · 谷歌地球离线版下载 Google Earth 2021年新版Google Voice注册教程 Google免费开源中文字体:思源宋体 近期能上Google却不能看Youtube的方法 Google专业图像处理PS插件:NIK COLLECTION 免费下载(原价150美元).

2023 Ken Kennedy Award recipient Geoffrey C. Fox

ETH Zurich Team Receives 2023 Gordon Bell Prize

A six-member research team from ETH Zurich was awarded the 2023 ACM Gordon Bell Prize for introducing DaCe OMEN, a new framework for simulating the transport of electrical signals through nanoscale materials, such as the silicon atoms used in transistors. The award for their project, “A Data-Centric Approach to Extreme-Scale Ab initio Dissipative Quantum Transport Simulations,” was bestowed during the SC19 supercomputing conference.

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Milinda Shayamal Fernando of the University of Utah and Staci A. Smith of the University of Arizona have been named the recipients of the 2023 ACM-IEEE-CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowships. The Fellowships will be formally presented at SC19 in November.

Read the ACM news release.

2023 ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship recipients Milinda Shayamal Fernando and Staci Smith

ACM A.M. Turing Award

Spotlight on Turing Laureates

The ACM A.M. Turing Award, computing’s most prestigious honor, acknowledges individuals who have made lasting and major contributions to the field. Here, we look back at some of these technologies and breakthroughs that continue to impact our lives, and the remarkable innovators who helped shape them. 


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ACM's celebration of 50 years of the Turing Award culminated with a conference June 23 and 24, 2017 at the Westin St. Francis in San Francisco. Keynote talks and panel discussions highlighted the significant impact of the contributions of the Turing Laureates on computing and society, as well as looking ahead to the future of technology and innovation. You can watch videos of these historic presentations here. 

Bengio Delivers Turing Award Lecture

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LeCun and Hinton Deliver Turing Award Lecture

Geoffrey Hinton and Yann LeCun received the 2018 ACM Turing Award along with Yoshua Bengio for conceptual and engineering breakthroughs that have made deep neural networks a critical component of computing, Hinton and LeCun delivered the 2018 ACM Turing Lecture at ACM FCRC in Phoenix on June 23, 2023.

Hennessy and Patterson Deliver Turing Award Lecture

John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson, recipients of the 2017 ACM A.M. Turing Award for pioneering a systematic, quantitative approach to the design and evaluation of computer architectures with enduring impact on the microprocessor industry. They delivered the Turing Lecture at the ISCA conference on June 4, 2018.

Tim Berners-Lee Delivers Turing Award Lecture

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